Yuffie Kisaragi is a secret playable character in Final Fantasy VII. She is a Ninja and a Thief, wielding a large shuriken. As a rebellious and cocky tomboy, Yuffie desires to restore her homeland Wutai to the glorious nation it was before being conquered by Shinra. Despite her sometimes obnoxious personality, she is friendly, helpful, and willingly helps the party in their battles.
The first time I played Final Fantasy VII and I happened to come across Yuffie, I fell in love. She reminded me so much of me way back then (and her birthday was 2 days before mine, which made it that much cooler!), so naturally when I found this amazing Yuffie cosplay, I HAD to feature it!
This photo displays a much calmer Yuffie than I'm sure the rest of us are used to, but it's a beautiful shot and shows a different side to the Yuffie we all know and love. Konoe-Lifestream over on dA brings us this great photo and her photographer, known only as Envy, is as much responsible.
A more playful shot that shows off the work done on the front of the cosplay.
Anybody else notice how eerily similar Konoe-Lifestream is to Yuffie? It's almost scary!
And one last shot, this time of Zarsu on dA - featured because I love the fact that she has the phone!
A cute and creative shot taken by the lovely AnnaBananah on dA.
Many thanks to the cosplayers and photographers featured here today! These are some fantastic Yuffie cosplays!
Disagree? Think you have a better Yuffie cosplayer? Want to suggest a cosplayer for tomorrow's post? Leave me a comment or drop me an e-mail!